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A Wee bit of Banter with Author Debbie De Louise

Tell us a little bit about yourself Debbie?What inspired you to become a writer, we’re debbiea mad bunch? How tough was the journey and did you keep your sense of humour?

I think what you’re asking is how I became a published writer. I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember from stories I wrote as a child as soon as I learned how to read, to articles and books in my twenties and thirties. I self-published my first novel, Cloudy Rainbow, in my forties. I did try to have it published by a traditional publisher before that but decided, since it was a story very close to my heart about my special deceased cat, Floppy, I didn’t want to spend time querying it to publishers and agents, so I found a self-publisher who was recommended to me. I shared the book with friends and relatives but didn’t have time to promote it much. It took me several years to get back to writing, and I actually found my publisher by accident when I attended a twitter event, Pitch2Pub.

Sounds like writing…is in your blood Debbie!

In answer to your question, I don’t think my journey was particularly hard compared to others. Promoting my work at this point is the tough part. As far as keeping my sense of humor, I don’t really have much of one – lol. I tend to be a serious type, but I find that, in my writing, I am able to develop characters who can be quite humorous at times.

What is the title of your current novel? Release date? Target audience? Genre? Yes, I realise this is like Pandora’s box but do your best…

A STONE’S THROW was released this past November 2015 by Limitless Publishing. I stonesthrowamazon
believe it would be enjoyed by anyone who likes mysteries and romances because it includes both. I’ve been told that people particularly enjoyed the twist. I also believe my characters are well drawn.

I think everyone likes a good twist at the end of the story. 

So, what makes your book special? Why should readers give it a shot? Shameless plugging encouraged!

As I said earlier, those who have read the book said they loved the twist. Some said they couldn’t put it down wondering who-dun-it. I also think I provide some thought-provoking issues, and the tagline of the book, “Things happen for a reason,” is appropriate both to the story, and what most of us experience at some point or other in our lives.

Sounds like the kind of story that will appeal to everyone.

What inspired your story in 140 characters?

My work as a librarian and experience on my college paper inspired my book. Is that 140 characters?

Cheater lol!

Tell us about your main protagonist(s).

Alicia Fairmont is a librarian loosely based on me. At the beginning of the book, she has teaser3agathalost her husband in a tragic accident and has a problem letting him and the past go. She meets John McKinney, a newspaper publisher in a small town, who also can’t come to terms with the loss of his wife. As the story unfolds, without giving away any spoilers, Alicia learns that John’s father has a secret related to her dead husband and that her husband’s death may have been more than an accident.

Are you working on another book…please say yes? If so- what is it about?

I’ve actually completed the sequel to A STONE’S THROW but do not want to give the plot away. However, I will say that there are a lot of new characters of various ages and three crimes that need to be solved. I’m preparing the manuscript with final edits before I submit it and hope that it will be published in late spring/early summer.

Readers will be looking forward to the next installment.

When writing – what is your typical process? Do you plan everything out – or let the words fly by the seat of your pants?

I used to be a total pantster, but now I do some planning but keep it flexible. I don’t like to think too much when I write because I’d rather not interrupt the flow of the words. That seems to work for me, and editing straightens all the rough edges.

A little planning never hurts.

What is your preferred reading format and why? E-book/ paperback/audible?

I hate to admit it, but I prefer paperback or hardcover books. I have a Kindle Fire and a nice teaser2firegrowing collection of eBooks, but I’m a bit old-fashioned in that I like to turn pages and carry a book around with me. I think it’s partly because I’m a librarian. As far as audiobooks, I haven’t tried many and am not sure I would enjoy them as much.

I would 100% recommend them. You can multitask and listen to your book.

What are your goals for your novel and dreams for the future?

I want to continue writing. I hope to build up a fan base. Eventually, I’d love to write full-time when I retire from my work as a librarian in about 10 years. I don’t expect to get rich, but it would be great to reach a nice-sized audience and maybe be on a bestseller list one day. That’s a big dream, but you have to dream big, don’t you?


What are your favorite genres to read? Favorite authors?

I read what I write – romantic suspense and mysteries, although I also like to experiment with reading different genres and new authors. My favorite current authors are Nora Roberts and Mary Higgins Clark.

Please share any links to your social media and books and wishing you and your book every success for the future.

Thanks so much.


Buy links for A STONE’S THROW:

Amazon U.S.: KINDLE:

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Amazon U.K.:

Barnes and Noble:


Also available on iTunes and Ingram


REVIEWFor most authors reviews are a critical issue but I am beginning to question the reasoning behind a one-star review. I’ve often bought a purchase, and used my own judgment without help from reviews, to select and buy. In fairness, it’s usually clothes and a spur of the moment purchase. We shop for our clothes instore as well as online. However, this does not follow for books because there are big price discrepancies.

Amazon offers value for money but only online. Readers, unable to lift a book for themselves, are reassured by book reviews. Why? We put our trust in other people choices but as they say, “one man’s meat, is another man’s poison.” Reviews are a guideline towards the quality of the book attesting to professional editing, good plot etc, etc. We must decide if  the story is  one we will enjoy.

Walking into a bookstore, I don’t automatically start to load Amazon on my phone to check out reviews. I read the book content and make a judgment. I am talking about what appeals to me, not necessary you. Yes. initially, I’m overwhelmed, however, I find myself gravitating to the section of books that appeals most. I enjoy the experience of  browsing. I make my own decision when I buy my treasure.

So I come back to my original issue. Why do people leave one-star reviews? Their purchase is not excessively expensive. They made the choice themselves after reading the book content or reviews and then…shock horror they didn’t like it. It happens.

I bought a new dress got it home put it on and hated it! Did I feel motivated to go online and systematically humiliate the designer or retailer? No, I didn’t.  I’m accepted most of the blame lay with myself. Was I seduced by the dress on the hanger? Yes. Sometimes we make bad choices, we are after all, human.

So why do people feel the need to be so negative about a book purchase more than a clothes purchase? I don’t have the answers. Until the system changes all authors must live with the consequences…




Book Swag Do Our Readers Want it?


BC Swag
Boutique Book Bag

I’ve just started on my new venture and it has been a real eye opener…book swag. This was a previously unknown concept to me and yet as an author, I’m hooked already. So many products to fall in love with. Getting your book cover on useful and lasting accessories, is without question the best kind of product placement. I know hotels give out complimentary pens and notepads (yes I always take them…I’m a writer after all) but do they jog our memories after our stay is over? I’m not convinced they do. However, what I do like is, they’re free, a little treasure which I can use.


I’m a book accessory Freak. I gasp and giggle over unusual bookmarks. I love phone cases that turn your high-tech communication tool, into a vintage book. I love keyrings with little books attached (if it was my book it would be even better). Do readers feel the same way?

I’d love to make up the ultimate Boutique Book Bag filled with all the goodies a reader really wants. I try to think what I would like in my ultimate book bag; A signed book is something unique and it definitely rings my bell. Bookmarks and wine charms are useful, so they would go in too. My key necklace is inspired from the Braille Keyholders in my book and a nice keepsake. I’m on a mission to find out what readers really want and I can’t wait to get started.